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Airport Destination Airline Duration
SOF (12:50) SFO (20:05) United Airlines 16h 15m
SFO (7:35) SOF (11:55) United Airlines 19h 20m
United Airlines, ticket price  $‎951

Green Causes

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CO2 Cards Climate Change Platform


Wastewater treatment

The project is a 5000 m3/day wastewater treatment facility at a starch manufacturing plant in Thailand. The treated wastewater is treated in reactors and and the generated biogas is flared and converted into heat for on-site usage. The local air and water quality has improved significantly, at the same time the starch plant managed to reduce its fossil fuel use by 80%. Permanent work places were created and fish are farmed in the wastewater lagoons. A local school was built.

Hydro emergy

A group of 108 small hydropower plants in less developed rural areas China. The run-off-river plants provide clean energy to a large number of people, provide stable jobs, additional income, reduces air pollution and use of fossil fuels. The emission reductions result from the replacement of carbon intensive coal power – still common in China – with clean hydro power.

Himalayan forest

Trees are planted to restore the Great Himalayan Forest. Women are playing an important role in Forest User Groups, improved forest management reduces grazing pressure from livestock. Firebreaks and clearing undergrowth are being used. Drought and flooding risks are reduced, and biodiversity is protected. The most vulnerable community members are receiving support to strengthen their livelihoods.

Limay reforestation

Trees are planted on land owned by the community in Limay. Each new wooded area is owned by an individual family. They are paid as the work gets done over time. These ecosystem payments result in CO2 being taken out of the atmosphere and locked into the growing trees. The wood lot is maintained so as to retain the carbon, but also to provide new resources for the families.
